August 2023

How solving the disadvantages its students face would encourage more people to choose a community college

How Solving The Disadvantages Its Students Face Would Encourage More People To Choose A Community College

In this increasingly fast-changing and complex world, juggling studying and other responsibilities are becoming more challenging every year. Young people, especially those aspiring to become community college students, can find it just as hard to keep up with the fluctuating living costs as older adults.

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How does gen Zs distrust in higher education impact the labor market

How Does Gen Z’s Distrust In Higher Education Impact The Labor Market

Generation Z represents young people born between 1997-2012 and a group that has held the media spotlight for the past three years. As the most diverse generation in American history, they receive a lot of attention, and everyone, from marketers to educational institutions, wants to understand what makes them different.

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How can community colleges and employers reboot their partnership and create americas future workforce

How Can Community Colleges And Employers Reboot Their Partnership And Create America’s Future Workforce

Decades of not communicating adequately and nurturing a consistent and robust collaboration have strained the relationships between community colleges and employers. For a long time, the mismatched expectations, wrong perceptions, and lack of desire to take the initiative on both sides have helped the status quo settle in and become the norm.

How Can Community Colleges And Employers Reboot Their Partnership And Create America’s Future Workforce Read More »

Apating curricula with custom content development in higher education

Adapting Curricula With Custom Content Development In Higher Education

Custom content development in higher education has emerged as a transformative solution, reshaping curricula to empower learners and cater to their diverse needs. Unlike traditional materials that rely on tested, often outmoded formulas, custom content offers a dynamic and tailored approach to curriculum design, enriching students’ educational experiences.

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How custom content development in higher education can make adapting to change easier

How Custom Content Development In Higher Education Can Make Adapting To Change Easier

The past few months have been anything but ordinary. – After the release of Midjourney, the generative text-to-image AI platform, disrupted art, another innovation took the world by storm – ChatGPT. These tools quickly started raising questions about the essence of art and copyrights, as well as how far and how fast automation can go.

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Tips on Enhancing Consumer product training with custom content solutions

Tips On Enhancing Consumer Product Training with Custom Content Solutions

A company’s internal staff are typically the most common learners participating in eLearning, as the knowledge and skills they adopt directly impact the bottom line. It makes sense that most employers and Learning and Development (L & D) creators invest time and resources into training their employees.

Tips On Enhancing Consumer Product Training with Custom Content Solutions Read More »

How to address diverse learning needs in healthcare education

How To Address Diverse Learning Needs In Healthcare Education

Healthcare education in most institutions is not tailored to these intricacies. Students and employees in the industry may encounter challenges in finding material and resources that correspond with their unique learning styles. Others might struggle with interacting with diverse patients and responding to their specific issues effectively due to communication barriers, limited cultural competence, bias, and inadequate understanding of healthcare disparities.

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Unleashing The Superpowers of Comics: Visual Language Design For Epic Corporate Learning And Development

Unleashing The Superpowers of Comics: Visual Language Design For Epic Corporate Learning And Development

It’s no secret that traditional learning methods can be dull and uninspiring. Endless pages of text or boring presentations can turn even the most motivated employees into nodding-off zombies. But what if we told you that there’s a way to inject some excitement into the learning experience? A way that engages employees on a whole new level, encourages inclusivity, and increases comprehension and retention? Say hello to visual language design and comics!

Unleashing The Superpowers of Comics: Visual Language Design For Epic Corporate Learning And Development Read More »

The role of custom content development in revolutionizing healhcare education

The Role Of Custom Content Development In Revolutionizing Healthcare Education

Although the quality of healthcare education is vital in providing the best possible patient outcomes, we’re still far off from learning and development (L&D) that fits the current moment and employees’ needs. Many institutions rely on traditional and significantly outdated methods and materials. According to Ziad Obermeyer, M.D., and Thomas H. Lee, M.D., the complexity of medicine is starting to exceed the human mind’s capacity.

The Role Of Custom Content Development In Revolutionizing Healthcare Education Read More »

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