Some people are born natural learners. Or are they? Since grade school, we have mistakenly associated with one’s ability to learn with their IQ levels. In a historical moment where workplaces are more diverse than ever, it’s time to change our idea of what a good learner looks like.
Multiple studies have shown that through altered learning philosophies and mindful strategies, everyone can improve their learning capacity, regardless of their innate intelligence level. This post will provide you with the most effective approaches for becoming a better learner, regardless of your educational background.
A Focused Learning Experience
Organize your goals: Before we can learn, we need to work on our project management skills. If you first set achievable goals about what exactly you want to learn, you will then be able to become an expert in a certain subject. We see this pattern in our daily lives as well. For example, before lifting the heaviest weights possible, start with something smaller and more manageable. Perhaps make a list of what exactly it is that you want to achieve with your new project. It is far easier to be committed to a goal if you develop a strategy with clear objectives.
Clarity and Confidence: A more streamlined and realistic approach to learning helps us build self-confidence and avoid failure. While self-doubt is normal, Stanford psychologist Albert Bandura points out that negative emotions can adversely impact our ability to learn something new. To avoid negative thoughts, focus on all of the things you have accomplished so far in life. Once you see that you have risen to challenges in the past, you will be able to take on new challenges in the future.
Critical Thinking and Professional Development
Metacognition: Metacognition is a vital part of learning. Psychologists define metacognition as “thinking about thinking,” and in a more general sense, metacognition is a matter of asking yourself how you know what you know. Once you begin making note of your original ideas and the gaps in your current knowledge, it will be easier for you to move forward with a challenging project.
Reflection: Reflecting on our victories and blunders is an essential part of the learning process. Scientists and psychologists alike agree that when we can give a problem perspective, we can begin to see it more clearly. In your daily life, perhaps reflection takes on the form of journaling or a long talk with a friend. In the workplace, try getting into a discussion with a colleague and sharing your concerns and ideas. If you are learning new software, make sure to shut the manual after a period of concentration and give your brain time to process.
Self-Care And Employee Engagement
Self-Care and Sleep: While it is easy to forgo sleep to hand in that last project or get a head start on tomorrow’s work, this will end up hurting your performance. A recent study demonstrates that a good night’s sleep can reduce an employee’s practice time by 50%. In other words, more sleep increases employee engagement and can help us be better learners. Take sleep seriously by putting away electronics an hour before bed, and winding down with a good book.
Benefits of Destressing: Stress not only negatively impacts our health and well-being but our ability to concentrate on work-related tasks as well. It is true that in some cases, a surge of stress-induced adrenaline can help us learn basic things like a phone number or an address, but for you to gain a deep understanding of a subject, you must first focus on clearing your mind. Try downloading an app for 5-minute meditation, or taking a breather during your lunch break to maximize your capacity for professional development.
A Personalized Learning Philosophy
The great news is that on both an individual and company-wide level, learning is a skill that can be nurtured. By organizing your learning goals, reflecting on your thinking process, and giving up unnecessary digital distractions, you can become a better learner, and ultimately, a better employee.
What steps have you taken to enrich your learning process? What are some ways your strategies can be applied to a greater scheme for employee investment? Share your thoughts and challenges with us, because together we learn!