Planning for Workforce Development During the Pandemic

The pandemic has shaken up life as we know it! More people are working from home than ever before, companies are struggling and tough decisions are being made across the board. However, we argue that NOW is the time to lean into your employees more than ever before.

A study done out of the University of Colorado looked at all NYSE publicly traded companies from 1980-2016. It found that “the companies that delayed layoffs as long as they could — whether by cutting salaries, furloughing employees, or even running in the red — saw higher stock returns, two years later, than comparable companies that laid off people from the start.”

Don’t just hold onto staff, look at developing your company’s talent. Now is the time to promote lifelong learning that fulfills your organization’s mission and your employees’ needs for new skill development in this rapidly changing world.

An Unprecedented Moment for Opportunity

For many, the understanding of ‘business as usual’ has shifted
in order to survive this year.

An Unprecedented Moment for Opportunity

Every business leader should be asking the key transitionary question: As we move forward, what are the gaps between the skills needed for our business’s success and the skills our staff currently have? Our White Paper is here to help you answer this question and develop a plan.

WeLearn is here for YOU and YOUR organization.

WeLearn is a learning solutions and workforce development company focused on changing the way in which organizations use learning to achieve their best outcome. We partner with organizations to embed workforce development into their organizational DNA and to find and identify new sources of talent for the roles they need to fill. Every engagement is an opportunity to learn; together WeLearn.

Our Services:

  • Consulting and Program Management
  • R&D
  • Communications and Marketing Support
  • Custom Content and Program Development
  • Learning Advising, Coaching, and Support
  • Job Placement and Transition
  • Measurement and Evaluation

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