Workforce Development

The impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce

The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On The Workplace

In our technology-driven world, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the workplace. This ranges from automating repetitive tasks to augmenting human decision-making processes. As AI continues to advance, it is becoming integrated into various industries and job functions, changing the nature of work and the skills required to succeed in the workforce.

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Tech Trends

Top Tech Trends of the Year (2023)

Technological innovation is constantly advancing. It is impossible to predict what technology trend will emerge as the next big thing in the world. Technology trends continue to gain momentum, speed, and recognition throughout the year. They seem to be hurling themselves through society at a speed beyond the comprehension of any individual. Trends such as these can have a profound impact on you as an individual, as well as your organization and its employees.

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Recognizing job burnout welearn learning services

Recognizing Job Burnout

The effect of job burnout on individuals, organizations, and workforce development programs can be vexing. Despite this, it is on the rise, especially in the United States, affecting one in four employees across all industries. It is crucial to recognize the signs of job burnout before it is too late, but what exactly is job burnout and how can it have a negative effect on your organization?

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The advantages and disadvantages of lateral leadership

Lateral Leadership: Advantages And Disadvantages

Leadership is defined as an involvement of leading a group of people in the position of being a leader. Lateral leadership involves the same idea but incorporates the notion of leading people across organizations. People choose to take on accountability, proprietorship, and self-rule throughout an organization, regardless of their job title, position, or spot in the organizational pyramid of leadership

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Organizational citizenship behavior welearn learning services

5 Types Of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB)

Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) are defined as any individual contribution that is positive, constructive, and discretionary and is not outlined in the formal job description. Contributions of this nature are not required. The term refers, in layman’s terms, to anything that the employee accomplishes voluntarily.

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