Learning Administration

The Deep-Seated Bias of Employers Toward Community College Students and How it Exacerbates Talent Shortages

The Deep-Seated Bias Of Employers Toward Community College Students And How It Exacerbates Talent Shortages

Everyone’s path toward higher education is different, and not everyone can reach it. But even when students graduate, many struggle with getting a chance from employers. Although many business leaders perceive a four-year degree requirement as something that should be normal and expected, that shouldn’t be the case.

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Why Employers and Community Colleges See the Need for Establishing Partnership Differently

Why Employers And Community Colleges See The Need For Establishing Partnership Differently

It is no longer a shocking revelation that the partnership between employers and community colleges has been on life support for nearly decades. Their lack of communication, data sharing, and joint efforts has plagued the local talent market and exacerbated the middle-skills gap.

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A Systemic Lack of Synchronization Between Community Colleges and Employers and its Lasting Impact

A Systemic Lack Of Synchronization Between Community Colleges And Employers And Its Lasting Impact

Even though the community college is an admirable and respectable institution, people rarely know how much work must be put into its effective work and programs. Multiple actions, initiatives, and strategies must occur in the background for everything to flow and for the community college to serve the community and accomplish the necessary results.

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Businesses Initiating Partnerships Could Help Heal the Broken Relationship with Community Colleges

Businesses Initiating Partnerships Could Help Heal The Broken Relationship With Community Colleges

It is far from a secret that the collaboration between community colleges and local businesses hasn’t been working effectively for decades. Although their partnership formally exists, it is not resulting in outcomes that benefit both parties, graduates, and the U.S. economy.

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How solving the disadvantages its students face would encourage more people to choose a community college

How Solving The Disadvantages Its Students Face Would Encourage More People To Choose A Community College

In this increasingly fast-changing and complex world, juggling studying and other responsibilities are becoming more challenging every year. Young people, especially those aspiring to become community college students, can find it just as hard to keep up with the fluctuating living costs as older adults.

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How does gen Zs distrust in higher education impact the labor market

How Does Gen Z’s Distrust In Higher Education Impact The Labor Market

Generation Z represents young people born between 1997-2012 and a group that has held the media spotlight for the past three years. As the most diverse generation in American history, they receive a lot of attention, and everyone, from marketers to educational institutions, wants to understand what makes them different.

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How can community colleges and employers reboot their partnership and create americas future workforce

How Can Community Colleges And Employers Reboot Their Partnership And Create America’s Future Workforce

Decades of not communicating adequately and nurturing a consistent and robust collaboration have strained the relationships between community colleges and employers. For a long time, the mismatched expectations, wrong perceptions, and lack of desire to take the initiative on both sides have helped the status quo settle in and become the norm.

How Can Community Colleges And Employers Reboot Their Partnership And Create America’s Future Workforce Read More »

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