Workforce Development

The correlation between daily reading and your career welearn learning services

The Correlation Between Daily Reading and Your Career

Today, there is a highly competitive, skilled job market. Education has become increasingly predominant in it, as it contributes to career growth and development. Additionally, technology can rapidly advance, as can other industries, especially in an overnight sense. With the need to constantly keep up with the latest trends, career-minded professionals must do so by any and all means necessary.

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The Never-Ending Cycle of the Job Market and Job Seekers

The Never-Ending Cycle of the Job Market and Job Seekers

The current state of the job market is complex and never-ending. It is influenced by many factors. These include economic conditions, technological advancements and changes in consumer behavior. Job seekers are considered those who currently and actively seek new (or different) employment. Both of which are critical components to why it is a never-ending cycle.

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Charitable donations and your organization WeLearn Learning Services

Charitable Donations and Your Organization

Charitable donations come in the form of gifts of monetary value or other assets. These are made to nonprofit organizations or charities for the purpose of supporting their mission, cause, and work. Charitable donations can take place in many forms, including cash, stocks, real estate, vehicles, and other types of property. They are typically made by individuals, organizations, foundations, or other entities that want to support a particular cause or organization.

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Annual Raises WeLearn Learning Services

Annual Raises

Annual pay raises are a normal part of most people’s career. These raises allow organizations to consider several factors, such as the employee, their level of performance, their workplace demeanor, and the economy. Some businesses elect to offer pay raises on a more (or less) frequent basis. But are annual pay raises hindering an employee’s ability to grow through professional development or is it truly a reward they deserve?

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Slashers WeLearn Learning Services


When you hear the term, “slasher,” you are probably quick to assume that it is in reference to a horror film of some degree. After all, this is a past term often used to define the main villain in a typical scary movie, especially those that occurred during the time of VHS tapes. I mean, I cannot be the only person who automatically thinks of the late 90’s film directed by Wes Craven known as the original Scream, which hosts a variety of well-known Hollywood names such as Nev Campbell, David Arquette, Courtney Cox, and Drew Barrymore. Or is it possible that the term has removed any bias relating to horror films, as it has paved the way for a new type of employee in the workplace?

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Happy employees, happy job

Happy Employees, Happy Job

The term “happy wife, happy life” is familiar to us all. However, what about “happy employee, happy job”? Often, we assume that a positive personal life is the only factor that can contribute to a happy life in general. The professional life can, however, have just as much influence on a happy life as the relationship with your spouse or other significant other.

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