6 Stress Management Techniques For A Healthier You

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    Stress is the body’s response to any concern that requires sudden action, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or psychologically. Often, it is triggered by events or thoughts and can present itself instantly. It is not uncommon for you to feel nervous, frustrated, angry, or challenged as a result of it.

    There is an international day dedicated to stress management which falls every year on the first Wednesday of November. On November 2nd of this year, that day will be recognized as International Stress Awareness Day. For the full day, you are aware of all the situations which make your life stressful in one way or another, if you haven’t already started doing so.

    It is no secret that workplace stress is a reality, but it is often difficult to deal with, especially if you work for a high-level, larger than life brand that is known to cause enduring challenges on a day-to-day basis. Certain career paths are associated with greater levels of stress than others. In general, healthcare and technologically based professions tend to be ranked among the highest.

    The Effects

    It is an obstacle for anyone to handle the day to day stressors that they encounter. People are experiencing greater levels of stress on a grander scale as a result of concerns regarding work and money. It is important to realize that stressing about factors such as these can lead to the accumulation of other stressors, such as deterioration of physical health. The results of studies have shown that mentally being stressed about something significant can often have negative effects on your physical health, such as poor sleep, poor diet, headaches, constipation, irritability, depression, and even hypertension (high blood pressure).

    There is a growing crisis of stress in society that is not being addressed. With career pressures constantly present, it is no wonder that the corporate world is at the epicenter of reasons to become (and remain) stressed. Almost every individual experiences some level of stress during their lifetime.

    People who lead a stressful lifestyle are not the only ones who are adversely affected. Family and personal lives in general bear the brunt of the struggle, as do work environments. People fail to take into consideration how stress can affect nearly every aspect of their daily lives, from the minor things such as remembering to put the trash in the recycling bin to more monumental obstacles such as managing today’s work meeting over being ethically responsible. Stress adversely impacts an individual’s ability to be productive (at work).

    There is more to managing stress than learning to meditate or reducing your workload. Society faces a number of challenges that can lead to stress and anxiety. There is a significant decline in self-care. This has resulted in health no longer being considered a top priority. In both physical and mental health, this is prevalent. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise. People, however, complain that they are overworked, underpaid, and unable to exercise regularly due to time constraints or laziness.

    As a result of stress, unhealthy stress management leads to indulgent behaviors. Overeating, unhealthy snacking habits, and missing meals are some of the health problems that can arise. All of these problems can be attributed in part to being overly stressed as a result of our professions, financial difficulties, family problems, or a combination of these things.

    Aside from the aforementioned reasons, self-discipline can also play a large role in why stress management is at the center of our lives on a daily basis. For those who suffer from long stretches of stress throughout their professional and personal lives, learning to structure stress in a healthy, safe manner can prove to be a daunting, even somewhat impossible task. Stress does not discriminate based on gender, race, or ethnicity. It can affect anyone.

    Stress Management

    Stress Management is a fundamental method that allows individuals to curtail the amount of stress they consume in the most efficient manner possible. Managing stress is an art, and the canvas is your brain. Despite the fact that it is impossible to completely eliminate stress, it is possible to manage it in a productive manner. Taking a look at the best practices for stress management is a good place to start.

    1. Prioritize Your Time

    Consider what your most time-consuming constraints are and prioritize them accordingly. Track your daily activities using a calendar on your smart device. As a result, you will be able to better manage your time and keep up with certain deadlines, as well as understand where the majority of your time is being spent. This will prevent issues such as being overwhelmed with your time. In order to achieve the best results, it is ideal to plan at least two weeks in advance, but even further ahead is highly recommended.

    2. Dietary Balance Should Be Maintained

    An important aspect of health is nutrition. A healthy and balanced diet containing whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, as well as stabilizing numbers in areas of health such as cholesterol, sugar, iron, and BMI. To build the best version of yourself physically, consider eliminating excessive junk foods from your diet.

    3. Engage In Regular Exercise

    Even though balancing your professional and personal lives can prove difficult, it is essential that you find time to exercise for at least 30 minutes two to three days per week. Regular exercise will reduce the likelihood of mental illness, stabilize your physical health, decrease the risk for disease, boost your mood, and improve your productivity and stress management.

    4. Maintain A Healthy Self-Care Routine

    Invest ten minutes a day in doing something you enjoy. Even simple pleasures such as taking a walk, reading a book, meditating, or getting a manicure will reduce stress levels almost immediately.

    5. Ask For Assistance

    Seriously. Having a support system can be beneficial, especially when it comes to learning how to manage daily levels of stress in a healthy manner. When you are having difficulties (and we all have difficulties at some point in our lives), do not hesitate to reach out to your spouse, a relative, a friend, or a coworker for assistance. There is a good chance that they will be delighted to assist you in any way they can. 

    6. Identify Your Stressors

    Stressors can vary in size and originate from a variety of sources. Identifying what causes you to be stressed is a key element of stress management. You should devote the time and energy necessary to reducing, limiting, or eliminating all the stressors in your life. There will be a positive impact on your mental and physical health as a result.

    Closing Thoughts

    It is an integral part of human existence to experience stress from time to time. The majority of people suffer from some degree of stress on a daily basis. Stress becomes a problem when it grows to godlike proportions and causes the sense of being overwhelmed to take over various aspects of our daily lives in the form of uncontrollable panic attacks. Using time, energy, and these stress management techniques, you are able to shift your focus to other areas and become the best version of yourself that you can be for yourself and the environment that surrounds your life.

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