As of 1988, Google was founded. There has not been a single layoff initiated by them for approximately twenty years. It was not until 2008 that this changed. As a result, Google laid off approximately 300 employees. What was the reason for doing so? As reported by CNN, this is a result of the financial crisis that occurred in 2008. Those who were laid off at this time by Google suspected it was due to the sale of DoubleClick, a company Google acquired in order to implement its organizational plan.
After a period of time, there have not been any known (mass) layoffs within the organization until present day (2023). In spite of the pandemic, Google chose to maintain its staff at its full complement, as they transitioned in any manner necessary, just as the rest of the world did.
In fact, Google became a major force to be reckoned with in the past two years (2021 and 2022). This, however, has all come to a screeching halt as of this year. The CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, has decided to implement changes in the Google workplace. During the second half of 2022, he implemented cost-saving measures. This resulted in the removal of projects from the agenda. In spite of this, he did not stop there. As a result of his actions, Google experienced the largest layoff in its history. This represented approximately 6% of the total workforce. Although this may seem like a very small number, it affects a large number of employees who were forced to leave on short notice. A total of 12,000 employees were affected by this incident.
Pichai took to Google Blog shortly after the employees were notified that there had been a change in the workplace at the search engine giant. The 12,000 employees affected resided around the world, with the majority working in the United States.
Pichai attributed this layoff to the implementation of so many new and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) measures over the last five years. Realistically, he is not incorrect in his assertion. By automating tasks that were previously performed by human interaction, artificial intelligence aims to replace human interaction. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in voice assistants and chatbots, such as ZenDesk, are examples of this.
Yet Google is not the first company to take such steps and lay off a large number of employees. The company follows in the footsteps of other companies such as Apple and Amazon.
2023: The Year Of Tech Layoffs?
Can 2023 be the year that causes a stir in the number of technology-driven jobs? Is it possible that layoffs will continue to rise as human interaction is rapidly replaced with artificial intelligence? Apart from watching for news updates regarding layoffs in the tech industry, there is no sure way to know the answer to this. The only thing we can hope for is that thousands (or more) of people will not continue to lose their jobs as a result of technological advancements.
In the event of a layoff, your organization and its employees may suffer a significant loss. As a result, it can have both short- and long-term consequences.
In addition to having a financial impact, it also has a social impact. By reducing the number of employees currently on your payroll, layoffs can help your business reduce costs over the short term. However, layoffs are not without cost. As a result, there are severance packages, unemployment insurance, recruitment fees, legal fees, and even the cost to train new employees when necessary.
Layoffs can also negatively impact employee morale. Layoffs can create a sense of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear in employees for the possibility of losing their jobs and their future. This may even lead to depression. The impact of this can also lead to a decrease in productivity, resulting in a shift in the culture of the organization.
It is also possible to lose talent from your organization as a result of layoffs. Employees who have been important contributors to the success of your organization for a long time may experience long-term consequences if they are terminated. Replacing these employees or rebuilding the knowledge they took with them can prove challenging. As a result, your organization may also experience time loss.
Your organization’s reputation can be negatively impacted both internally and externally. Your employees, both internally and externally, may be concerned that your organization is disloyal or uncaring. This can negatively affect the number of applications you receive at the time of hiring. Additionally, customers may perceive your organization as unreliable, unstable, and incapable of retaining talent. As a result, they may decide to take their business elsewhere.
Five Strategies To Avoid Layoffs (like Google, Apple, And Amazon)
What can your organization do to resist this change that appears to be a rapidly growing trend? To avoid layoffs or at least keep them to a minimum, your organization may wish to consider these five strategies.
1. Currently employed personnel should have fewer working hours. A reduction in the number of working hours can help organizations avoid laying off employees. It may be necessary to implement a four-day work week. Alternatively, you may wish to consider reducing the number of hours worked by all employees.
2. Provide employees with the option of taking an early retirement (or voluntary leave). By encouraging employees to take voluntary leave or retire early, organizations can prevent layoffs, even in small numbers. As a result, the work force will be reduced without resorting to involuntary terminations.
3. Put in place a hiring freeze for a certain period of time. In many organizations, this is the preferred solution. There are times when they will not even consider other options, since this is the policy in place. Businesses will choose not to fill current open positions rather than lay off employees. In addition, they may delay hiring until the current economic situation improves.
4. Reduce everyone’s pay temporarily. Many employees may find this to be detrimental since they have become accustomed to their current salary and are unwilling to accept a salary reduction. However, this is a relatively simple and inexpensive way to reduce company costs and avoid layoffs. This pay reduction should apply to all employees across the organization, as well as all leadership and management teams. It is recommended that your organization opt out of providing bonuses to all employees during this period.
5. Take advantage of government programs. Programs are often provided by governments in the form of monetary assistance. When the economy is experiencing a downturn, you may want to consider exploring your options for this. In this way, your organization will be able to remain afloat and avoid layoffs.
Closing Thoughts
It is possible that some of these strategies are not suitable for your business. You should, however, be aware of the options you have available in order to select the most appropriate approach for your organization. The best way to prevent and avoid layoffs is to be proactive while minimizing the impact of the economic downturn on your organization and its employees.