Content Development

Corporate Jargon

Do Learners Dream in Corporate Jargon?

We have spent a lot of time talking about changing the way in which we, as digital learning designers and digital learning developers, can change the way in which we build digital learning products. We declared eLearning dead, discussed creating unifying design principles (while speaking Dothraki and Klingon), took a page from the playbook of iconic brands, and talked about some patterns that are worth repeating—but now we want to turn our attention to one of our favorite topics: Content.

Do Learners Dream in Corporate Jargon? Read More »

Iconic Brands Do It and So Learning Organizations

Design in the foundation of a truly great digital product. Whether it is an app on the Apple App Store, Netflix, or Amazon—every great digital experience starts with design. Yet when it comes to creating digital learning products, designers tend to focus on the didactic design and, to a lesser degree, the visual design of the learning experience.

Iconic Brands Do It and So Learning Organizations Read More »

Digital Habits – We All Have Them! So What ?

They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit…and with the vast amount of digital media in the world we’re living in, it seems like it takes even less time to form habits for how we consume information. At WeLearn we spend a lot of time thinking about just this—digital habits—how we interact with the technology in our lives and how it affects the way we learn.

Digital Habits – We All Have Them! So What ? Read More »

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