I am here. Now where can I go?

Where can I go?

Think back for a moment, what was your first job?

Like a lot of people, we would imagine that you potentially started somewhere very different then where you are today. Now looking ahead where do you want to go? How do you get from here to there?

For those of us who work in the field of HR, talent, or learning they answer of how to get from where we are to where we want comes to us pretty quickly ā€“ but for the average employee in your organization ā€“ and especially frontline workers ā€“ those answers are not as easy to come upon.

Within the RETAIN Model, we focus on strategies that support the Advancement of individuals in their careers. Some of those strategies include defining career pathways, providing tools for career exploration (tools, job shadowing, career counseling), and coaching and mentoring programs (formal, informal, and reverse).

In defining these strategies, it in crucial to determine how these intersect with the daily work of employees and to the extent they can be woven into the flow of work, versus force fit in an awkward fashion.

Are you interested in learning more about implementing new advancement strategies in your organization ā€“ we would love to talk to you! You can reach out here!

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