Is Social Media Beneficial To Your Career Growth?

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    Like. Comment. Share. Tweet. Post. We all use these words in some way or another. Likely daily and without conscious thought. There is a correlation between each word and a distinct action taken using a social media platform in one form or another. A wide variety of social media platforms can be used to carry out the majority of these actions. 

    In spite of the fact that social media is a part of our everyday lives, it can be detrimental to certain capacities. On a daily basis, we spend countless hours scrolling through Instagram feeds looking for new images of our family, friends, acquaintances, and even colleagues. Also, we choose to cipher through the tweets of Twitter in search of useful information (though Twitter has become a hellscape in comparison to most other social media platforms). Pinterest is even used for pinning new recipes. It has become the new standard of socialization to engage in all of these behaviors. If we are not careful, social media could also adversely affect our career development.

    Going Viral

    Social media platforms are rarely associated with negative aspects, especially in our professional lives. Despite the fact that no one takes the time to consider this point, it is a real possibility. While social media allows us to be the social animals that we enjoy being, it is important to exercise caution when doing so. The construction of a “private” post is not a guarantee that your audience will be as limited as you would like, and once it goes up, you should be prepared for the effects that will soon follow, whether they are good, bad, or indifferent. \

    In the event that a post is deleted, it will not be removed in its entirety. In the event that the post goes viral, the audience that views it will be able to like, comment, share, retweet, duo (via reels or TikTok), or screenshot it. In the digital age, the internet is forever, and your post is no different. When deciding what to post and who can view it, exercise extreme caution.

    Limited Audience

    “We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.” 

    -Erik Qualman

    Despite social media, we all value our privacy. It is for this reason that we have the right to decide who we accept as friends and who we allow as followers. It may seem counter-productive to reject a friend request from someone who has just been hired in your office, especially when you desire complete inclusion throughout your organization. A simple click of the mouse can convert your acquaintance or co-worker into a social media friend, which helps keep any unnecessary drama from arising at work to a minimum, but this can negatively impact your career development in unexpected ways.

    In failing to consider the negative consequences of this path, your career may be put at risk, often without you being aware of it. There is a good chance that this thought never occurred to you. You are, after all, a human being. The majority of people make mistakes on a daily basis. An error of this type, however, could be detrimental to your professional development.

    Posts and thoughts can be restricted to the audience that you choose, but this could create a wormhole for future problems at work. The effects of social media on your current job, your entire career, and the possibility of you changing careers by switching employers should be considered moving forward. Neither you nor the organization for which you are employed will be able to escape scrutiny for the mistakes you have committed.

    Social Media Tips for Continued Career Development

    It is important to consider the potential tribulations you may incur as a result of the social media posts you make, regardless of whether you are satisfied with your current position or pursuing a career change. Here are some tips to consider. They will highlight the most common mistakes that professionals make due to the intertwining of their professional and personal lives through social media.

    It is advisable to refrain from posting criticisms about current or former employers, employees, or organizations, especially your own. It is inevitable that we will have bad days from time to time. It does not necessarily mean you should rush to your mobile device and begin posting on social media immediately. It is important to be careful about what you say about your career (past and present) and how you say it. It is possible for negative remarks to determine whether or not your career continues positively or whether one bad post will prove to be the end of your career.

    You are better off not listing your qualifications on your social media accounts than lying about them. Aspiring to have an abundance of credentials is a good thing, but do not use that aspiration as an excuse to tell a bald-faced lie. Be careful not to post qualifications that are not your own. Dishonesty will only damage your brand and undermine your career.

    Be respectful of yourself, your colleagues, your employer, your organization, as well as anyone personally linked to you through your posts and tweets. It goes back to the golden rule we were all taught as children – treat others the way you would like to be treated.

    Disputes about politics have a time and place – social media is not one of them. Does this matter even need to be addressed? The world of politics has been brought to Twitter in an eccentric manner by Donald Trump. Clearly, we have been exposed to the results of an unsubstantiated political debate. If you do not wish to piss off (at least) some of your friends or followers, try to maintain a neutral stance on any political issues. Not only will this benefit your personal life, but it will also have a positive impact on your professional life as well.

    Promote your own “personal” and “professional” brands in an uncontaminated, optimistic manner. Since social media platforms were first created, it is likely that you have posted at least one inappropriate post or picture, particularly if you began your account during your teenage years. Images that are provocative are not professional. As a result, you have two options – delete the picture or delete your profile and create a new one. Delete your profile with caution, as it will result in something permanent that you may regret in the future.

    Review your past posts to determine if they are appropriate. Your brand image will be enhanced as a result. Specify which types of audiences can view specific items. It is advisable to delete any pictures that may not present you in a positive, professional light. This should be done for each and every account that you own. There is a good chance that someone will find something that makes you look bad and use it against you if you fail to audit even one. This is especially important if you are seeking employment. Despite their size, even the smallest companies take the time to research candidates’ social media accounts to ensure their brand is not tarnished should they hire you.

    Choose your connections carefully through each platform. While you are trying to be thoughtful by adding your coworkers, it might not prove to be the best choice. Your professional life should be kept on professional social networking sites, such as LinkedIn, while your personal life should be kept on social networking sites, such as Instagram. It is necessary to be meticulous when connecting with your organization on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok if you feel comfortable doing so.

    Social Media Effects On Professional Development

    Studies have shown:

    • Employees use social media for personal purposes in 98% of cases.
    • Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are the most commonly used social media platforms on the job.
    • Employees use social media at work to take a mental break, connect with friends, family, and colleagues, and to foster relationships with other likeminded professionals.
    • Approximately three out of four employees are connected to at least one co-worker through social media. Facebook and Instagram are, however, preferred over LinkedIn and Twitter by the majority of these employees.
    • The majority of employees (82%) believe that social media improves their work relations.
    • According to 51% of employees, social media is overused as a source of information about co-workers.
    • Approximately seven out of ten employers review a candidate’s social media profiles before deciding whether or not to hire them.

    Closing Thoughts

    With social media becoming the new age way to socialize, its impact on career development cannot be overstated. Choosing what to post and who to expose it to can negatively impact your career development and personal brand, but can also prove beneficial. When it comes to professional development and growth, opting out of social media accounts is simply not an option. Your next post, reel, or tweet will require a decision – what will you share and to whom will it be visible?

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