Today, we are going to jump back into the topic of digital habits. In our first post on this topic we discussed how we can use our target audiences digital habits and meet them where they already are. AKA using their already learned and formed digital habits to educate, inspire and inform. If our learners are connected to their mobile devices 24/7 we have to use that to our advantage! However, today we are going to take it one step further and discuss the six-letter word that has taken the marketing world by storm, content, but more importantly we are going to discuss how to structure your content so your learner engages with it!
We’ve all heard the saying the content is king and learning campaigns are no different. Now memorize this next sentence; Strategically well-developed content is the backbone to any and all learning campaigns! Since most learning campaigns will be digested and interacted with digitally we have to develop content that flows with our users digital habits. Keep reading as we discuss some examples with you.
Digital Habit One – The Constantly Connected
Studies have been released that some check their devices up to 150 times per day or about 6.25 times per hour. If you know your learner is constantly connected consider developing your content in a mobile app. Send alerts when new modules are available and make it easy to use. Also, build in  bonuses and badges for your learner to work towards. The outcome will be that your content is consumed and the learner is having fun at the same time.
Digital Habit Two – Mr./Mrs. On the Go
We have entered the age of the multi-tasker. Teams are small and people have limited attention spans. Remember this when developing your learning campaign content. Will your learner be more engaged with your content if they know it will only take them 15-minutes twice a week? The answer is YES! When constructing your content create milestones, be upfront on what needs to be completed/how long it will take and give them a clear picture of what is expected. Setting goals upfront will help Mr./Mrs. On the Go understand what is exactly expected of them and why.
Digital Habit Three – Patience is not a Virtue
Patience has officially become a lost art form. Amazon Prime same-day delivery, insanely fast page load speeds and services such as UberEats and InstaCart have ushered us into the era of RIGHT NOW. The same is true for how your learner will engage with your content. They’ll want you to get straight to the point. Fluff is good to an extent, but consider creating summary pages, using bullet points, breaking out main ideas with numbers and using as many images, graphs, charts and videos as possible to narrow in the most important details. These tactics will help feed your learner’s need to digest and understand the topic fast, fast, fast.
Now that we have told you what WeThink, we want to hear what you YouThink on this topic! Stay tuned for our next blog on this topic, staying on top of our learner’s digital habits and designing the correct learning campaigns for them.