Every individual makes mistakes, including managers. Regardless of your age, gender, ethnicity, or career path, mistakes are bound to happen. It is a natural part of human life. When you attempt something new and succeed, you move on to something else. In contrast, if you attempt something new and fail, you are left with an array of questions that need to be answered in order to understand what went wrong. Depending on the complexity of the issue, it may be simple or difficult to comprehend. If you do not examine your wrongdoings, you will not be able to determine how and why they occurred. It is therefore imperative that this be done. The majority of individuals operate in this manner.
Organizational managers and dedicated leaders do not have the same luxury. In part, this is due to the fact that their jobs require absolute perfection. A leadership position plays a crucial role within an organization. They were placed in their current positions because they were determined to be the best candidate for the position. A person’s behavior, attitude, and work ethic can have a significant impact on all aspects of an organization. While they are not the only ones who make up the business, they cannot afford any form of error as it could cost them their job, the loss of their (best) employees, or failure within the organization.
Management’s Impact
Mistakes in the workplace can occur regardless of the number of preventive measures in place. It is important to remember that mistakes are not all the same, regardless of how similar they may appear to be. Therefore, when a manager makes a mistake, even to the smallest degree, it has an impact on the company as a whole. The manager might be lucky, and the situation will have only a minor effect on the company, but they should always prepare for the worst case scenario. Here are the most common mistakes that managers can make when managing at work.
1. Ignoring Employees
The most important job of a manager is to listen, understand, and respond to the needs and desires of his or her employees. In the absence of effective communication between a manager and their employees, the manager will not be able to recognize what issues are evident, what could use some improvement, and how each employee performs within the organization. A manager’s most important tool is communication. Failure to utilize it correctly will result in failure on a number of levels. Nonetheless, if it is used effectively, it can lead to the highest level of success for your organization.
2. Micromanaging
An individual who micromanages insists on taking control of every aspect of the organization, regardless of how small its role may be. Often, this is done by very controlling and dominating managers who lead by fear. The micromanager often lacks the ability to see the results, resulting in employees becoming uncreative and counterproductive in their efforts, as they fear that the end results will not be exactly as the micromanager would like them to be.
3. Lack Of Honesty/Integrity
Managers should strive to be transparent; it is a quality they must possess. Good managers can be honest with their employees without causing them unnecessary upset, but great managers can be honest with anyone within the organization without losing sight of the company’s purpose, policies, or procedures.+
4. Failure To “Lead” Others
There are some managers who are incapable of becoming self-aware of both their weaknesses and strengths. When this occurs, they cannot work on either of them in order to better themselves for the company’s future. As a result, employees will develop a low ego and will not be able to lead employees as their job description requires. It is a cry for assistance from the higher-ups to assist them in establishing what is needed to help them become the prominent leader for whom they were chosen.
5. Failure To Offer/Receive Feedback
The process of providing feedback is a two-way street. In addition to receiving feedback from their employees, managers should provide feedback to them as often as possible. In order to perform their job accurately and efficiently, any excellent manager is capable of delicately balancing the two. Neither your employees nor those in management positions should be afraid to provide feedback. When you fail to provide prompt feedback, you are hindering the ability of your employees to improve their performance and productivity, which will not only affect them, but also your managers and your organization.
6. Ignoring Company Rules For Your Own Benefit
There are instances when taking a personal phone call is necessary. Since most managers have a life outside of the office, this means that they probably have a family to care for. It is important to note that these are exceptions to the rule and most employees will be understanding of this. By disregarding the company’s policies and procedures, you are setting yourself up to fail, and undoubtedly quickly as well! Set an example for your employees by following the rules yourself, and demonstrate how well you adhere to them as well.
7. Inability To Treat Employees Equally
The task of treating everyone equally may prove to be challenging, if not impossible. In other words, this does not necessarily mean that everyone must receive the exact same treatment, at the exact same time, in the exact same order. As a result, all employees must feel equal to the next employee that your manager supervises. Don’t play favorites with your employees or become too “friendly” and this will not become an issue.
8. Lack Of Employee Appreciation
A manager who fails to recognize his or her employees’ achievements is likely to overlook their mistakes. This can be a grave error on their part. In addition to feeling appreciated, employees would like to know how they can improve their performance. Recognition is very important to employees, even if it is a simple pat on the back for a job well done during a recent PowerPoint presentation. An appreciation culture can be fostered by simple acts of gratitude for employees.
9. Forgetting Your Role Changes
As a manager, you may be unaware of the changes in your responsibilities within the organization. Now that you are responsible for managing and leading others, you have a whole new set of responsibilities. You should delegate job responsibilities according to your judgment, including your old responsibilities, as they will also need to be taken on by someone else.
10. Shift Responsibility for Mistakes to Another Employee
It is inevitable that mistakes will occur whether you are in charge for five days or five years. You should not shift responsibility for these mistakes to another employee just to save your own skin. A manager should take responsibility for his or her own mistakes. This is often referred to as “throwing someone under the bus.” Taking responsibility for your own mistakes will give your employees a greater sense of respect and appreciation for your actions.
Closing Thoughts
As a matter of fact, it is likely that these are not the only mistakes they will make. One of the most important lessons that a manager should learn is to accept responsibility when mistakes are made and explain to higher-ups that you are prepared, ready, and willing to improve for the company’s ultimate success. There will be a great deal of appreciation from your employees and from your organization.