Importance Of Recognizing Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic Characteristic Learning
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    Through the sensory organs in the muscles and joints, kinesthetic learning is the ability to recognize position and movement of body parts. To put it simply, it is the process of learning through touch (physical activity). According to the VARK system, it is one of the four types of learning styles. VARK stands for Visual, Auditory, Reading, and Kinesthetic. As a result of each category, learners are classified according to their unique needs.

    Kinesthetic learning appeals to individuals who enjoy being active while learning. The most important component to recognize is the need for continued stimulation in order to support positivity and growth. Even the slightest motion of the body appears to facilitate their ability to ascertain, cultivate, and concentrate. The more movement they are able to administer, the more effective the stimulation will be.

    Childhood is the beginning of it all. When a child learns in a certain manner, that method tends to carry them throughout life, and they will be able to apply the same methods in their educational and professional careers as well. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the program depends on what children learn as young children and the techniques they follow. 

    Although it is possible to teach an old dog new tricks, it can be difficult, especially when they have a preference regarding how they learn those tricks, particularly when they are aware of which specific method(s) will work for them. The same is true for kinesthetic learners – relearning techniques is much more difficult after childhood.

    Characteristics Of Kinesthetic Learning

    It is indicative of the VARK system that kinesthetic learners are placed in their own category. The majority of learners fall into more than one category. The ability to test a variety of techniques will assist in identifying the most effective and inimitable method of learning. It is important to have a high level of self-awareness in order to be able to recognize your learning style.

    Characteristics of kinesthetic learners include:

    • Participation in learning
    • Problem-solving by enactment
    • Constant state of movement
    • Preference to not sit (still)
    • Enact learning tasks rather than reading
    • Higher energy level output
    • Best engagement with hands-on activities
    • Quick reaction times to the surrounding environment
    • Excellent model building
    • Enjoyment of trying brand-new things
    • Select clothing according to comfort over fashion
    • Talking with your hands
    • Easily recall steps

    Learning Strategies

    Work environments are often not ideal for kinesthetic learners. These learners have difficulty understanding their job functions, sitting still for an extended period of time, and reading simple tasks such as those required on a daily basis. Due to this inability to retain long-term information, their careers may be placed at risk as they are not given the appropriate learning strategies necessary to succeed. In order to assist kinesthetic learners in advancing their career and utilizing their preferred learning strategies in the workplace, there are a few considerations that should be kept in mind.

    Practice Makes Perfect

    As a result, kinesthetic learners should incorporate this as an integral part of their learning process. Ensure that you practice tasks repeatedly and use your errors as a tool to guide your learning and work. There is no avoiding failure, and kinesthetic learners are naturally motivated to fail in order to achieve picture-perfect results.

    Use visual concepts

    This strategy should be explored from a variety of perspectives – writing, models, flashcards, podcasts, videos, etc. Visual appeal will help learners focus and succeed in their environment by helping them develop learning strategies to assist them.

    Increase Your Body Movement

    It is important to move your body in a variety of ways in order to increase your concentration on your work. During work, many kinesthetic learners seek a variety of stimulation, including exercise, dancing, chewing gum, or bouncing a ball. Often, anything that is considered a distraction by others will benefit kinesthetic learning in career development and learning environments, because it motivates them to maintain focus and reinforces their commitment to their tasks.

    Work In Short Periods

    For most people, and especially for those who are considered kinesthetic learners, working a set shift straight through is not an ideal method of learning. Working in shorter intervals, followed by bursts of energy such as a brief walk around the office, can help maintain a greater sense of focus and create a healthy attention span. Use other physical outlets to help cycle your shift if you are not able to stand up and walk around briefly. When you are cooped up in a cubicle or seated at a desk for most of the day, a white board can assist in stimulating gross muscle movement.

    Amplify Muscle Tension

    There is no doubt that these learners experience sudden bursts of energy in which they not only desire but also need movement and physical activity in order to avoid distraction at the macro level. The knack of moving your body, however, can be hindered at times. During these times, such as office meetings or team projects, it is important to find alternative methods to maintain your attention. For kinesthetic learners, intensifying their strength inelasticity is a unique task, as this simple tense that lasts only a few seconds can prove to be very effective.

    Invest In A Standing-Style Desk

    In terms of physical activity, there is no limit to what works best for each individual. In order to remain in shape and on track, everyone has their own style. Jobs that require you to remain at a desk for eight hours a day, for example, may prove to be impossible to maintain. Office workers, especially those who are kinesthetic, may benefit from height-adjustable desks. For other VARK learners outside of kinesthetics, such desks may be placed at a lower level. 

    In contrast, kinesthetic learners can place these as high as necessary to promote standing and physical movement during typical work activities involving long periods of time spent in front of a computer, iPad, or tablet. In spite of the fact that these technologies were unattainable when they first appeared on the market several years ago, they have now leveled out to be inexpensive to attain and a technique that nearly every member of the VARK system can take advantage of.

    Explore Textures

    The use of textures is not limited to sensory disorders. A rapidly growing method of promoting focus, kinesthetic learners are expanding their strategies to make room for a variety of texture-based items to be available within reach. Objects that can be “touched,” such as pens, pencils, fidgets, and art deco’s, are necessary components for committing focus while initiating sensory stimulation in a particular manner. Put texture on display in your workspace. There is no limit to how posh or economical these items may be; as long as they provide a unique texture that is not currently available, they will serve as an incentive to help clench concentration.

    Closing Thoughts

    Individual preferences can influence learning strategies. A greater sense of self-awareness is the first step toward recognizing what type of environment you require to advance your career. The needs of kinesthetic learners must be met through physical (touch) activity in order to cast long-term focus and success in their careers. 

    In order to engage and encourage these learners to do their best work, your organization must be aware of these learner types. It is imperative that you accept the fact that everyone learns and works in different ways, so you will be able to diversify your organization and provide the most effective learning strategies to help everyone develop their career as well as their personal development.

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