Make Learning Stick

Make Learning Stick

Make learning stick, this is something we hear from clients all the time and of course – like our schoolyard retort –  it does resonate with us.  Isn’t this what we as learning professionals are here to do?  However, how many times we do we get so entrenched into learning models and theories, we forget about our most important goal – how we help build a culture of lifelong learning.

We have all seen some great learning content delivered or developed, but it fails to reach the target audience. Many teams are great at building lots of content – building a store of goods with a plethora of choices  – but if no one comes to the store to buy, we end up with lots of stuff and no one to enjoy it. This leaves learning teams frustrated and eats away at learning budgets.

We believe there are four easy steps that we can all take to make sure the learning we design is sticky: 

  • Diagram or document your learning experience – what is the journey you are taking your learner on and where will they end up. Knowing this will help you discover the right technologies and delivery method – and besides – nobody likes being lost. 

  • Know where your learners are and meet them there.  If they are using Microsoft teams to engage, go there – if they are on Slack, FaceBook, or Twitter – meet them where they work.

  • Model what you want from your learners – are you developing yourself? Would you yourself recommend this course, video, or activity you are asking learners to participate in? As a learning professional if you can not master a complex concept after watching a five-minute video – why should the average learner – think about your own learning preferences and how they inform your view of the experiences you design and development. 

  • Keep it human and have clear expectations and outcomes – if you don’t know why you are asking them to learn and what is in it for them – then why should they care?

In an age of hyper-connectivity and lack of focus – we can not all be Best Fiends (we own it we are #obsessed). We must understand how we attract learners, keep learners engaged, help them learn effectively, and improve their skills so they can perform better. From there you can build a method to continually engage and retain their attention.

Want to chat more about this and other life-long learning subjects, reach out to us because as we say around here together we learn..

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