Reimaging Workforce Development Post Covid

Workforce Development post-Covid-19
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    We are all aware that the Covid-19 pandemic has altered the working world in a dramatic and life-changing way. In a time when there are so many questions and so few answers, all we want to know is if the changes we see now will endure for years to come.Ā 

    A new research report from the Adecco Group, ā€œResetting Normal: Defining the New Era of Workā€, examines how employee engagement and employee retention has shifted during this unprecedented time, and how we can move forward smoothly and productively. Below, we will highlight the most important findings of the study, so that you donā€™t have to sift through chunks of information.

    New Methods In Professional Development

    Many Employees Enjoy Remote Working: Maybe remote working isnā€™t such a bad thing after all! In fact, 51% of workers still preferred the office setting, while around 49% stated remote work is where they found themselves most productive and inspired. This means that remote working could stick around in the near future and balance out the long hours spent at the office.Ā 

    We Need To Rethink Our Work Hours: According to the study conducted by Adecco, 69% of employees preferred their work contracts to be based on the quality of the content they create, instead of the number of hours they work. This percentage shows that employees are willing to put the hard work in if it means gaining more control of their work schedule.Ā 

    Instead of making your employees continue with the five day work week, consider giving them a three day weekend. This could be a great incentive for them to get better work done during the other four days of the week.Ā 

    Donā€™t Be Intimidated: This Is A Learning Experience!

    Employees want kinder leaders: While some might believe that being feared is the only way to be respected,74% of employees want their managers to embrace a more empathetic, supportive leadership style. This large percentage exhibits the need for kinder, more people-oriented bosses, and workforce development programs.Ā 

    To be a better boss, try a new, more empathetic learning philosophy. Take the time to connect with your employees and actively take interest in the work they are creating. During this difficult time, it is also important to be aware of peopleā€™s mental and physical health.Ā 

    Digital Distractions Be Gone!

    Digital Learning Is The New Normal: Itā€™s no surprise that the pandemic has forced us to rely even more on technology for our both social and professional lives. According to Adeccoā€™s study, 69% of people want more digital upskilling post-pandemic. This means that workshops in digital media and technology are crucial for building a stronger workplace.Ā 

    Once your employees feel more confident with the technology they are working with, they will be able to let their creative energy shine. Although providing employees with rigorous training takes time and money, the effort will pay off once you see the success in your professional development sector.Ā 

    Take Charge Of Your Workforce Development

    As made clear in Adeccoā€™s study, 80% of employees believe their employer is the most responsible for creating an improved working world after the pandemic. We know that with great power comes great responsibility. Take the time to recognize the power you have, and use it for good.Ā 

    Here at WeLearn, we are aware that these are challenging times. Donā€™t worry! We are here to help you overcome your workforce development challenges, and create happy work environments for everyone. Let us know how digital learning and new design systems have impacted your workplace, and how you are viewing the future of work.

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