WeLearn’s Top 10 Tips for WFH While Quarantined

Working From Home
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    Here at WeLearn, we are a remote organization. We tend to be aces when it comes to working from home (well, some of us still have yet to master the art of a calendar invite, but that’s a story for another day).

    We asked our WeLearners for their tips for those newly working remotely and we have come up with our Top 10 Tips for working while #Quarantined.

    WeLearn’s Top 10 Tips for WFH While Quarantined

    1. The snooze button is NOT your friend Consider choosing a single time to wake up each day (yes, every day); even if that means waking up early for that three o’clock meeting on Thursday, your body, and circadian rhythm will thank you.

    2. Put on some pants. Please. I want to be in my pajamas all day, I really do. But when we wear the same clothes we sleep in, it’s natural to want to, well, sleep! Change your clothes. Trust me, it’ll help. (We know a lot of you were buying tops, but not pants!)

    3. Write your stuff down I am the type of person who loves planning—making schedules is my jam. It’s MUCH easier to let my schedule tell me what to do then for me to convince myself. To some it’s restrictive, but to others, it allows for much-needed structure and consistency. (If you have not heard of it, try Evernote, or some other system for organizing yourself.)

    4. Breathe some of that sweet, sweet fresh air Even a short walk around the neighborhood will clear your mind and put you into that ‘ready-to-work’ headspace we all want to be in. Just remember to cover your face and stay six feet away from other walkers. (This is a great place to integrate Audible or Zombies, Run! into your day)

    5. Eat something green, for heaven’s sake Keeping physically well, is a must whether you’re working from home or not. That means exercise and remembering to eat a vegetable or two. There are plenty of exercise videos online that you can easily do from the comfort of your home, and it wouldn’t hurt to cut back on the ice cream (my favorite is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough).

    6. Doesn’t an hour of reading sound nice to you? No? Maybe Animal Crossing… Be conscious of your stress level and take time for yourself. Remember that work isn’t everything (even though it might feel like it), and take breaks to do something that you like to do. Treat yourself well, cut yourself some slack, and, if you’re struggling, reach out to someone you trust.  

    7. Don’t poop where you eat—well, you know the saying Similar to Number 2 (no pun intended), if you’re in a place where you usually relax or sleep, you’re likely to want to relax and/or sleep, not work. What I’m saying is that it’s probably not the best idea to hold your important team meetings from under the covers. Pick somewhere else to work.

    8. Stopping and smelling the roses isn’t going to help you here I’m at risk of sounding contradictory here (see Number 6), but we’re talking about distractions now, not mental well-being. Recognizing what you do when trying not to work is half the battle: are you constantly on Twitter? Do you do the dishes to not write that article? Put some distance between you and your distractions, like setting your phone in a different room.

    9. Call that one aunt you haven’t spoken to in three years. You know the one. Just because you’re locked inside doesn’t mean you’re locked away. Call a friend or family member to chat or watch a movie, and, if you live with loved ones, remember to take some time for them, too. (This will also make you a better human, and that is what we are about after all)

    10. Don’t give up—working from home has never been easy, not even before the #Quarantine! Not everything you see on the internet will be helpful to you (I’m as shocked as you are). Work with one style for a few days, and if it’s not the right fit, try something else. Don’t be discouraged if something doesn’t work right away—there’s a fit for everyone, you just have to find yours!

    We would love to hear your list of tips for working from home. As we say around here, we are all in this together, and together we learn.

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