You Built it. They Came. Now What?

You built it.

You accepted the challenge. You have flipped the script on how you approached talent and it is working – time to move on right to the next priority right? Not so fast.

In order to sustain this change – and build on it – you must Nurture it. The dynamics of employee and organizational culture are constantly changing.  The markets you serve are constantly changing.  The competition is constantly changing. The economy is constantly changing and by nurturing the work that has been done to get you to this point, you will ensure that you have a pulse on that change.

The cornerstone of nurture in our RETAIN Model is rooted in communication. Our work in this area focuses on helping organizations:

  • Creating and managing employee communication strategies

  • Identifying strategies that nurture continued employee engagement

  • Benchmarking with industry to measure success

By looking at all the RETAIN components regularly, you can communicate what’s working and not working in the organization and not only share that information but also strategically plan in order to anticipate changes and adaptations to the retention strategies.

When it comes to talent, the past does not have to be prologue. The future of work requires new approaches to talent. We are here to be your partner in creating that future for your organization.

If you have been with us for a while, you know that RETAIN is about the whole employee experience. If you are just tuning in, check out some of our other posts about the RETAIN Model on our WeThink blog.

If you are interested in talking about how the RETAIN Model can be used in your organization, reach out to us – we would love to talk to you.

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