Organizational DNA

Is Workforce Development in Your Organizational DNA

Odds are as a talent development leader you are faced with the same challenges many as other talent development leaders– how do I find, develop, retain, and grow the talent that I need in my organization. This rings even truer if your organization is looking to recruit middle skills talent – that talent that has a high school diploma – but requires less training than a four-year degree.

Is Workforce Development in Your Organizational DNA Read More »

Digital Habits – We All Have Them! So What ?

They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit…and with the vast amount of digital media in the world we’re living in, it seems like it takes even less time to form habits for how we consume information. At WeLearn we spend a lot of time thinking about just this—digital habits—how we interact with the technology in our lives and how it affects the way we learn.

Digital Habits – We All Have Them! So What ? Read More »

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