
Graphic design as the ultimate visual communication welearn

Graphic Design: The Ultimate Visual Communication

There are over 6,000 diverse languages spoken around the world. However, the average person can only interpret and speak roughly two to four of them. With a little over 7 billion people wandering around earth, this leaves an undisputable language hurdle. So, how is this handled? Through the use of universal symbols and other forms of graphic design to execute visual communication.

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Safe at any speed welearn learning services

Safe At Any Speed: Creating Psychological Safety Is The Key To Innovation

Back in the 1960s, Ralph Nadar wrote the book “Unsafe at Any Speed” about the Chevy Corvair. He uncovered dangerous flaws in the design of the vehicle, including a design flaw that caused the axle to “tuck under” it’s own tires, and his book is attributed to many of the safety laws enacted afterwards.

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What Makes An Effective Healthcare Worker WeLearn

What Makes An Effective Healthcare Worker?

According to a recent report, 84 percent of organizations expect a shortage of leaders in the next five years across all fields. While we often hear about leaders in business, finance, and culture; what about healthcare leaders? In recent months, pandemic, healthcare workers have been asked to take on greater leadership roles to help with the growing number of patients suffering from the coronavirus. making it more important than ever for healthcare professionals to think about what it takes to be a truly great leader. Read on to explore why doctors need leadership training, who is creating new leadership resources, and what kinds of traits make for a great healthcare leader.

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How Augmented Reality is Changing Healthcare WeLearn

How Augmented Reality Is Changing Healthcare

With the rise of games like Pokemon GO, augmented reality has taken over the videogame industry by storm, offering new and exciting experiences for players worldwide. Augmented reality, however, isn’t just for catching Pokemon. While Augmented reality (AR) might sound like an empty buzzword, it can provide innovative solutions in healthcare, such as health education, training, and even helping visually impaired patients. Read on to explore exactly what AR is, why it is useful in medicine, and how it is making a difference in the healthcare world.

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Medical Assistants

Top 3 Reasons Why Medical Assistants Matter

Going to the doctor isn’t usually a fun experience, but trained healthcare professionals often make it as stress-free, relaxing and efficient as possible. When we say healthcare professionals, we don’t just mean doctors and nurses. In fact, the first medical professionals you are most likely to see at the doctor’s office aren’t certified physicians; they are medical assistants. But what is a medical assistant and why are they important in healthcare? Read on to discover why medical assistants are an invaluable part of our healthcare system.

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Healthcare Chat Bots

6 Ways Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Healthcare

Many of us engage with chatbots daily on our smartphones without even realizing it. From navigating our bank accounts to asking Siri where the nearest coffee shop is, chatbots are revolutionizing how we live. Today, chatbots are a leading force in learning tech and are in almost every industry, including marketing, real estate, finance, and even healthcare.

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